Telugu film #39;Mix Up#39; review: A Messy Narrative That Leaves You Longing For More

1 month ago

The characters' motivations remain shallow, lacking depth or justification for their actions.

March 18, 2024 / 02:01 PM IST

Telugu film 'Mix Up' poster. The film is streaming on Aha.

Telugu film 'Mix Up' poster. The film is streaming on Aha.

"Mix Up" delves into the complexities of modern relationships through two couples. Aadarsh Balakrishna and Pooja Jhaveri depict a strained relationship, mirrored by Kamal Kamaraju and Akshara Gowda. The plot takes a dramatic turn when Aadarsh and Akshara engage in a physical affair during a holiday, shattering their respective partners' worlds. Left heartbroken, Kamal and Pooja find solace in each other's company. This tumultuous chain of events forms the crux of "Mix Up," now streaming on Aha.

Directed by Aakash Bikki, "Mix Up" attempts to unravel the fragility of contemporary relationships. However, the execution falls short, bordering on the absurd and vulgar at times. While exploring the theme of infidelity, the film neglects the emotional underpinnings that typically accompany such betrayals.

The characters' motivations remain shallow, lacking depth or justification for their actions. Aadarsh Balakrishna and Akshara Gowda's characters are portrayed as solely driven by physical desires, while their counterparts appear as emotional pawns. Striking a balance between these portrayals proves elusive, leaving the narrative disjointed and unconvincing.

Scenes depicting the aftermath of betrayal, such as Kamal Kamaraju's heart-wrenching breakdown, come across as contrived and ineffective due to flawed execution. The lack of dignity or introspection from the cheating partners further undermines the narrative's credibility, reducing their actions to mere physical encounters devoid of emotional resonance.

While Aadarsh Balakrishna delivers a commendable performance, embracing his character's negative traits with conviction, Akshara Gowda's role feels underdeveloped, lacking a coherent emotional arc. Similarly, Kamal Kamaraju and Pooja Jhaveri's characters suffer from weak characterization, failing to evoke empathy or engagement from the audience.

Despite its brevity and visually appealing settings, "Mix Up" falters in its editing, screenplay, and overall writing. The reliance on profanity adds to the film's irritation factor, detracting from any potential enjoyment.

"Mix Up" emerges as a disappointing foray into adult drama, marred by its superficial treatment of complex themes. While Aadarsh Balakrishna and Akshara Gowda offer earnest performances, the film's cheesy execution and lackluster storytelling leave viewers with little to savor. Ultimately, "Mix Up" fails to strike a chord, serving as a forgettable and headache-inducing cinematic experience.

Bhawana Tanmayi is a Hyderabad-based freelance entertainment journalist. Views expressed are personal.

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